A timeline of the Common Era, formerely known as Anno Domini

Timothy Comeau • 2023

1st Century


Western Han



c.15 • Apollonius of Tyana born


Eastern Han

26-36 • Pontus Pilate

29 • John the Baptist begins his ministry


Eastern Han

33 • (3-5 April) The First Easter

37-41 • 24 Jan Caligula reigns as Roman Emperor

c. 37 • Conversion of Saul of Tarsus - becomes St. Paul


Eastern Han

40 • Paul travels to Jersusalem to meet Peter & James

41-54 • Claudius is Emperor

42 • St. Peter to Rome "in the second year of Claudius" to confront Simon Magus. He remained in Rome for the next twenty-five years

43 • Roman conquest of Britain begins, and the foundation of London

48 • Council of Jerusalem

49 • "Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he [Claudius] expelled them from Rome" (referenced in Acts 18:2)


Eastern Han

52 • 21 Nov St Thomas arrives in India

54 • (Oct 13) Death of Emperor Claudius (æ 63)

59 • Paul shipwrecked on Malta


Eastern Han

62 • James stoned to death in Jerusalem

64 • 18 July Great Fire in Rome

66-67 • First Jewish-Roman war

68 • St Peter executed in Rome during Emperor Nero's final year

c.64/67 • execution of St. Paul


Eastern Han

70 • Destruction of the Temple in Jersusalem • Gospel of Mark written in Rome by Mark, the secretary of Peter

79 • Oct Destruction of Pompeii, probbaly in October


Eastern Han

c.80 • Didache written; Gospel of Matthew written; Gospel of Luke


Eastern Han

> 96 • Toward the end of Emperor Domitian's reign, persecution of Christians including Apostle John

c. 95 • John banished to Patmos after surviving attempted execution in the Colosseum; while on Patmos John writes the Book of Revaltion

c.90-110 • The Book of John written

c.97 • death of St. Timothy, companion of Paul

2nd Century


Eastern Han

104 • Invention of paper in China by Cai Lun

c.100 • Apollonius of Tyana dies • Death of St. John during reign of Trajan (98-117)


Eastern Han


Eastern Han

122-132 • Hadrian's wall


Eastern Han

132-135 • Bar Kokhba's revolt


Eastern Han


Eastern Han

155 • (Feb 23) Polycarp of Smyrna is martyred æ 86, a student of St John


Eastern Han


Eastern Han


Eastern Han

180Against Heresies by Irenaeus, a student of Polycarp


Eastern Han

193 • Year of Five Roman Emperors

3rd Century


Eastern Han


Eastern Han


Three Kingdoms


Three Kingdoms


Three Kingdoms


Three Kingdoms

c.253 • Death of theologian Origen


Three Kingdoms • Jin


Three Kingdoms • Jin


Three Kingdoms • Jin



4th Century



303 • Persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian



312 • Oct 28 Constantine's Battle of Mivian Bridge: after a vision of the cross in the sky, Constantine adopts the Chi-Rho as his symbol and defeats Maxentius.

312 • Oct 29 Constantine enters Rome and is proclaimed Emperor



321 • Constantine decrees Sunday as day of rest

325 • Council of Nicea



330 • Constantine makes Constantinople the empire's second capital

337 • Death of Constantine the Great



346 • Public pagan worship prohibited



356 • Pagan temples closed



364 • Pagan temple revenue confiscated





383 • (June) Revolt of Maximus • Famine in Rome

387 • Maximus invades Italy (autumn)



393 • Theodosius decrees all pagan practices are to be eliminated

395 • Eastern Roman Empire becomes Byzantium

399 • Imperial agents close the pagan shrines in Africa

5th Century



404 • The last gladiator competition in Rome

408 • A decree that all pagan temples are to be used for other purposes



410 • Aug Three day sack of Rome by the Visigoths; Roman refugees to Africa

413 • Augustin begins City of God

415 • March Death of Hypatia


Northern and Southern Dynasties

426 • Theodosius orders the destruction of all Greek temples; Augustine's City of God published


Northern and Southern Dynasties

430 • Death of St. Augustine

432 • St. Patrick begins his mission to Ireland


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties

453 • Death of Atilla the Hun


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties

476 • Fall of Western Roman empire


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties

6th Century


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties

524 • Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy

525 • Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table created the concept of anno domini


Northern and Southern Dynasties

536 • Climatic event likely due to volcanic activity: crop failures, recording of dim sunlight


Northern and Southern Dynasties

• First recorded bubonic plague (Plague of Justinian) in Constantinople and Byzantine Empire


Northern and Southern Dynasties

• St. David converts Wales; crucifix becomes Christian icon


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Northern and Southern Dynasties


Sui Dynasty


Sui Dynasty

• Pope Pelagius II dies of plague; Gregory the Great elected

593 • Japan adopts Buddhism

7th Century


Sui Dynasty


Sui Dynasty

610 • (10 Aug) Muhammad's first revelation at Mt. Jabal al-Nour

613 • Muhammad begins preaching


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

632 • (7 Jun) Death of Muhammad (p.b.u.h); beginning of the Muslim conquest


Tang Dynasty

642 • Destruction of the Library of Alexandria


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

8th Century


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

c.722 • St. Boniface cuts down Thunor's oak


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

748 • First printed newspaper


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

771 • Dec Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks

772 • Summer Charlemagne destroys the Irminsul

776 • Charlemagne ordered the Saxons to be baptized


Tang Dynasty

781 • Alcuin met Charlemagne

782 • Charlemagne ordered the beheading of 4500 prisoners

785 • Charlemagne ordered that refusing baptism, offering sacrifice to demons, cremating a body, or eating meat during Lent would be punished by death


Tang Dynasty

796 • Charlemagne's policy of forced baptism eas eased

797 • Alcuin is appointed the abbot of Tours. Here his work with the monks developed more contempoary script and books.

9th Century


Tang Dynasty

800 • Charlemagne crowned Emperor


Tang Dynasty

814 • Death of Charlemagne

815 • Vikings dicover Iceland


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

830 • Establishment of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad


Tang Dynasty

841 • Foundation of Dublin by Vikings

846 • Saracen pirates sailed up the Tiber and sacked St. Peter's and St. Paul's Outside the Walls


Tang Dynasty

850-875 • Settlement of Iceland by the Norse


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

871 • English King Alfred the Great crowned


Tang Dynasty


Tang Dynasty

10th Century


Tang Dynasty

907 • Loire Vikings invade Brittany


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period

919 • The first use of gunpowder in a conflict at the Battle of Langshan Jiang in China


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period

927 • Kingdom of England becomes a unified state.


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

11th Century


Song Dynasty

1001-1008 • Shikibu's The Tale of Genji


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1066 • William the Conqueror takes England


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1095 • Pope Urban II launches the First Crusade

1096 • First lectures at the University of Oxford

1099 • First Crusade's siege of Jerusalem

12th Century


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1119 • Knight's Templar founded


Song Dynasty

1123 • Future priests must be celibates


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1144 • Robert of Chester's translation of the Arabic Book of the Composition of Alchemy.

1147-49 • Second Crusade


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1170 • 29 Dec Murder of Thomas Beckett


Song Dynasty

1185 • First record of windmills

1189-1192 • Third Crusade (The Knight's Crusade)


Song Dynasty

1197 • Crusade of Henry VI, German Crusade

13th Century


Song Dynasty

1209 • Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan Order. Cathar massacre at Béziers & Carcassonne


Song Dynasty

1215 • King John signs Magna Carta


Song Dynasty

1218-1224 • Genghis Khan and the Mongol invasions

1223 • The Signoria of Venice is formed

1226 • Francis of Assisi dies ae 44 (b. 1182)


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1240 • At a tournament near Düsseldorf, sixty knights are killed

1245-46 • 1245-46: First known work of Thomas Aquinas (De fallaciis ad quosdam nobiles artistas)

1247 • Death of Robin Hood


Song Dynasty


Song Dynasty

1261-63 • Aquinas' Summa contra Gentiles

1265 • Aquinas begins Summa Theologica


Song Dynasty • Yuan Dynasty

1274 • (7 Mar) Thomas Aquinas dies ae 48 (b. 1225)


Yuan Dynasty


Yuan Dynasty

1291 • Siege of Acre

1296 • The memoirs of Marco Polo

14th Century


Yuan Dynasty

1306 • Dante Alighieri begins working on The Divine Comedy

1307 • (13 Oct) The arrest of the Templars

1309-1377 • The Avignon Papacy


Yuan Dynasty

1312 • The Knights Templar are disbanded

1315-1317 • The Great Famine kills millions in Europe


Yuan Dynasty

1320 • Dante completes The Divine Comedy

1321 • Dante dies ae 56 (b. 1265)


Yuan Dynasty

1336 • (26 Apr) Petrarch climbed Mont Ventoux

1337 • Edward III of England claimes the French throne and begins The Hundred Years War • Giotto dies ae 70 (b. 1267)


Yuan Dynasty

1341 • (8 Apr) Petrarch crowned poet laureate of Rome

1345 • Petrarch discovers a collection of Cicero's letters

1346 • The Batlle of Crécy

1347-1351 • The Black Death in Europe


Yuan Dynasty

1356 • Battle of Poitiers


Yuan Dynasty

1368 • Catherine of Siena has a mystical experience


Ming Dynasty

1374 • (19 July) Petrarch dies aged 69

1376 • Catherine of Siena is sent by Florence as an ambassdore to the Papal States based in Avignon, and while in Avignon Catherine convinces Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome; death of Edward the Black Prince

1377 • The Avignon Papacy (begun 1309) comes to an end when Gregory XI moves the papal court back to Rome

1378 • Supposed birth of Christian Rosencreuz, founder of the Rosicrucians


Ming Dynasty

1381 • Peasants' Revolt in England


Ming Dynasty

1398 • King Richard II sentences Henry Bollingbrook to exile for 10 years, interupting the planned duel against Thomas Mowbray

1399 • Henry Bolingbrook's father John of Gaunt dies, and Richard II disherits Henry. Henry rebels and returns to England in summer 1399 to overthrow Richard and become King Henry IV (depicted in Shakespeare's Richard II)

15th Century


Ming Dynasty

1403 • The Battle of Shrewbury: Prince Henry gets an arrow in the face in defeat of Henry Hotspur Percy (Shakespeare's Henry IV Part 1)

1407 • Supposed foundation of the Rosicrucian Order


Ming Dynasty

1413 • Henry V ascends to the English throne after the death of Henry IV

1415 • The Battle of Agincourt (Shakespeare's Henry V). England occupies north France.


Ming Dynasty

1420 • Through the Treaty of Troyes Henry V becomes regent of France and marries Princess Catherine, daughter of French King Charles VI. The son of Charles VI, the Dauphin Charles VII, was disinherited, as Henry V was to gain the French throne at the death of Charles VI

1422 • Henry V dies (ae 35) and his nine month old son Henry VI becomes King. England enters a Regency under John of Lancaster

1425 • Joan of Arc's first vision of the angel Michael

1429 • Joan of Arc ends the siege of Orleans


Ming Dynasty

1430 • There is a library with a thousand books in Florence

1431 • Execution of Joan of Arc; Henry VI crowned in England

1433 • Cosimo de Medici is imprisoned in the Palazzo Vecchio before being exiled to Venice for a year


Ming Dynasty

1441 • Death of painter Jan van Eyck (b.1390)


Ming Dynasty

1453 • Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans; end of Byzantine Easter Roman Empire

1455 • Henry VI regains his sanity and clashes with Lord Protector York, who captures Henry VI (begining of War of the Roses )

1458 • Gutenberg's Bible

1459 • Poggio Bracciolini dies (b.1380)


Ming Dynasty

1460 • Lord Protector Richard Duke of York dies in the Battle of Wakefield

1461 • Richard of York's son Edward is crowned King of England (War of the Roses )


Ming Dynasty

1470-71 • 1470-71: Henry VI is restored as King of England for a year before Edward IV resumes the throne

1477Canterburry Tales

1478 • Pazzi conspiracy: the attempted assasination of the Medicis during High Mass in Florence Cathedral


Ming Dynasty

1483 • Edward IV dies and is succeded by his twelve year old son Edward V. Edward V and his younger brother Richard disapear in the Tower of London and Richard III takes the crown.

1484 • Pied Piper murders 130 children; supposed death of Christian Rosencruz at age 106

1485 • Battle of Bosworth; Henry Tudor defeats Richard III and ascends the throne as Henry VII


Ming Dynasty

1490 • Savonarola's first Bonfire of the Vanities

1492 • Jews expelled from Spain; Columbus lands in the New World; death of Pope Innocent VIII; elevation of Pope Alexander VI (11 Aug)

1494 • Spain and Portgual sign the Treaty of Tordesillas and agree to divide the World outside of Europe between themselves • King Charles VIII of France invades Italy to claim the Kingdom of Naples

1495 • First syphilis outbreak in Naples

1498 • (23 May) Execution of Savonarola in Florence • Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper

1499 • Michelangelo's Pieta

16th Century


Ming Dynasty

1501 • Over a thousand printing shops now in Europe • Prince Arthur (ae 14) marries Catherine of Aragon (ae 16)

1502 • Prince Arthur dies, making his younger brother Henry heir to the English throne

1503 • Death of Pope Alexander VI; Pius III elected, who died less than a month later. Julius II elected. Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

1504 • Michelangelo's David

1505 • Death of Russia's Ivan the Great

1509 • Henry VII dies (ae 52) and Henry VIII (ae 17) crowned; Henry marries his brother's widow Catherine (ae 23).


Ming Dynasty

Machiavelli writes The Prince

1512 • Michelangelo completes Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco

1513 • Death of Pope Julius II; Leo X elected. Ponce de Leon reaches Florida; Michiavelli publishes The Prince

1516 • Thomas More's Utopia

1517 • Cardinal Wolsey in England hangs sixty May Day rioters; Pope Leo X's jubilee sale of indulgences; Luther posts his Ninety-Five theses

1519 • 2 May Death of Leonardo da Vinci (b. 1452)


Ming Dynasty

1520 • Luther excommunicated; the rifle is invented

1524 • Peasants revolt in Germany

1524-28 • Henry VIII begins to believe his inability to have a son with Catherine is because he married his brother's wife, a sin proscribed in the Old Testament. By summer of 1527, they are seperated and early in 1528 they are divorced.

1525 • Tyndale's translation of the New Testament into English

1527 • Machiavelli dies (b. 1469)

1528 • Plague in England


Ming Dynasty

1531 • (Dec 22) Marian apparition in Guadalupe Mexico leaves behind the image of the Virgin on the receipient's cloak

1531-32 • The Church in England breaks with Rome and recognizes Henry VIII as head of the Church

1533 • Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn after she became pregnant. They had been co-habiting already for two years. Anne proclaimed Queen, Elizabeth I born in September.

1534 • Luther translates the Bible into German

1534-36 • England formally breaks with Rome.

1535 • Thomas More executed

1536 • Anne Boleyn executed; Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour • William Tyndale executed for translating the Bible into English

1537 • Jane Seymour gives birth to Edward VI but dies from complications of the birth twelve days later


Ming Dynasty

1540 • The summer of 1540 was so arid in what is now Germany that the Rhine river dried up • Henry VIII briefly marries Anne of Cleves before having the marriage annuled so he could marry Catherine Howard • Ignatius Loyola founds the Jesuits

1542 • Catherine Howard is beheaded after being accused of having an adulturous relationship

1543 • Copernicus' De revolutionbus orbium coelestium • Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr

1547 • 28 Jan Henry VIII dies, ae 55. Edward VI (ae 9) ascends to the throne, and England begins a Regency • death of Francis I of France (Mar 31)


Ming Dynasty

1553 • Edward VI dies (ae 15) and the crown briefly passes to Lady Jane Grey before settling on Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine

1558 • 17 Nov Mary I dies (ae 42) and the crown passes to Elizabeth I (ae 25), the daughter of Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I reigns for the next 45 years

1582 • The English Catholic Rheims Bible is published


Ming Dynasty

1564 • Death of Michelangelo (b. 1475); birth of Shakespeare


Ming Dynasty

1572 • Pope Pius V dies; Pope Gregory XIII elected

1573 • Tycho Brahe's De nova stella


Ming Dynasty

1580s: Shakespeare (b. 1564) would have begun working in the theatre

1580 • Pope Gregory XIII dies; Pope Sixtus V elected

1587 • Mary Queen of Scots executed (ae 45)

1588 • The Spanish Armada


Ming Dynasty

1590 • Pope Sixtus V dies; Pope Urban VII elected but dies days later; Poper Gregory XIV elected

1590s • Flourishing of Shakespeare's career

1591 • Pope Gregory XIV dies; Pope Innocent IX elected but dies two months later

1592 • Pope Clement VIII elected; Galileo Galilei is appointed professor of mathematics at University of Padua

17th Century


Ming Dynasty

1603 • 24 Mar Death of Elizabeth I; James VI of Scotland (the son of Mary Queen of Scots, who was the niece of Henry VIII) ascends to English throne as James I

1605 • Establishment of Port Royal Nova Scotia (now Annapolis Royal) by French colonists; Pope Clement VIII dies; Pope Leo XI elected but dies less than a month later; Paul V elected • Gunpowder plot foiled

1609 • Kepler publishes Astronomia nova; Galileo builds his first telescope • Doctor John Dee dies ae 81 (b. 1527)


Ming Dynasty

1610 • Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius: observes the mountains of the Moon and Jupiter's moons; 18 July death of Carravagio (b. 1571)

1611 • King James Bible published

1611 • King James Bible published

1611-14 • Shakespeare's last plays

1614-17 • Rosicrucian pamphlets published

1616 • Death of Shakespeare ae 52 (b. 1564); the Vatican warns Galileo against believing in Copernicus' system as proposed in his 1543 book and places De revolutioniubus orbum coelstiuum on The Index

1616 • Scotland passes the School Establishment Act of 1616; after a series of reforms later in the century, by 1696 Scotland is the first country with national compulsory education.

1618 • Beginning of the Thirty Years War (lasts until 1648)


Ming Dynasty

1620 • Francis Bacon's New Organon & Saturation

1621 • Pope Paul V dies; Pope Gregory XV elected

1621-26 • Thomas Hobbes works with Francis Bacon

1622 • The Rosicrucian posts in Paris

1623 • Pope Gregory XV dies; Pope Urban VIII elected

1625 • James I dies (ae 58) and Charles I ascends to the English throne

1626 • Charles I crowned in England


Ming Dynasty

1631 • May Sack of Magdeburg during the Thirty Years War; 25,000 killed

1632 • Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

1633 • Cardinal Richlieu subsidizes Sweden's participation in the Thirty Years War. French invade Lorraine; Jacques Callot's The Miseries of War; Galileo sentenced by the Inquisition for heresy and puts his Dialogue on The Index

1637 • Japan's suppressed rebellion and closed its borders; Descartes' grid system published

1638 • Galileo's Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences


Ming Dynasty • Qing Dynasty

1641 • Descartes Meditations

1642 • Death of Galileo

1642-51 • The English Civil War

1643 • Louis XIV ascends to the throne of France and will reign for 72 years (until 1715)

1648 • Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War and establishes the modern concept of the nation-state

1649 • Charles I executed (ae 48)


Qing Dynasty

1651 • Hobbes' Leviathan

1653-58 • Oliver Cromwell is Lord Protector


Qing Dynasty

1660 • the Royal Soceity is founded in England

1661 • Charles II crowned

1662 • Blaise Pascal dies, ae 39

1664 • New Amsterdam becomes New York

1665 • the plague in London

1666 • Sept The Great Fire of London

1667 • 1st edition of Milton's Paradise Lost

1668 • Isaac Newton build his reflecting telescope

1669 • 4 Oct Death of Rembrandt (b. 1606)


Qing Dynasty

1670s • Hudson Bay Company founded

1674 • 2nd edition of Milton's Paradise Lost

1679 • Thomas Hobbes dies (4 Dec) ae 91 (b. 1588)


Qing Dynasty

1685 • James II crowned

1687 • Newton's Philosophiae (1st ed)

1689 • William III of Orange crowned • Locke: Essay on Understanding & Two Treateses on Gov


Qing Dynasty

1692 • Salem witch trials

1692-94 • Famine kills 2 million in France

1694 • Bank of England established

18th Century


Qing Dynasty

1702 • Queen Anne crowned

1707 • The Act of Union creates Great Britain


Qing Dynasty

1710 • New St. Paul's Cathedral in London completed

1714 • George I crowned

1715 • Louis XIV dies (ae 77); Louis XV ascends


Qing Dynasty

1721 • Montesquieu's Persian Letters published.

1727 • George II crowned


Qing Dynasty

1733 • Voltaire's English Letters published.


Qing Dynasty

1747 • Voltaire's Zadig published.


Qing Dynasty

1750 • Death of Johann Sebastien Bach in Leipzig

1751 • Diderot & d'Alebert's Encyclopédie

1755 • English troops expel the Acadian population from the Maritime provinces of Canada

1756 • Volatire's Poem on the Lisbon Earthquake published.

1759 • Voltaire's Candide published.


Qing Dynasty

1761 • George III crowned

1765 • Voltaire's expanded edition of Philosophocal Dictionary published.


Qing Dynasty

1776 • The Thirteen American colonies declare independence

1778 • Death of Voltaire ae 84 (b. 1694)


Qing Dynasty

1789 • French Revolution; the fall of the Bastille


Qing Dynasty

1793 • 21 Jan Louix XVI executed

19th Century


Qing Dynasty

1801 • Union of UK and Ireland

1805 • France (through Napoleon) annexes Italy and invades Austria

1806 • French Empire invades Prussia and disolves Holy Roman Empire

1808 • French Empire annexes Spain


Qing Dynasty

1811-1826 • Latin American War of Indepedence

1812 • French Empire invades Russia • War between USA and UK, fought in UK colony of Canada ("War of 1812")

1814 • Fall of the French Empire

1814-15 • Congress of Vienna

1815 • Final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo

1816 • Year without Summer due to volcanic eruption in Indonesia; composition of Frankenstein by Mary Shelly


Qing Dynasty

1821 • George IV crowned • Death of Napoleon Bonaparte (æ 51) • Antarctica discovered

1821-189 • Revolutions in Spain and in Greece • Republic of Mexico established

1825 • Earliest photographs and first railroad

1829 • Abolishment of slavery in Mexico


Qing Dynasty

1831 • William IV crowned; died 1837

1834 • Abolishment of slavery in UK

1837 • 28 Jun Victoria crowned


Qing Dynasty

1839-1842 • Opium War between UK and China

1844 • First use of telegraph

1846-48 • US Mexican War


Qing Dynasty

1853-56 • Crimean War: Ottoman Empire, UK & France vs. Russia

1856-1860 • Anglo Chinese War: UK & France vs China

1858 • (Feb-July) Marian apparaitions in Loudres France

1859 • (Nov 24) Publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species


Qing Dynasty

1860 • 9 Apr Earliest recorded sound

1861-65 • American Civil War

1865 • American abolition of slavery • The assasination of Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States

1867 • Confederation of Canada

1869 • Suez Canal opens


Qing Dynasty

1870-71 • Franco-Prussian War

1871 • Ontario introduces compulsory schooling; British Columbia 1873, Prince Edward Island 1877

1872 • Earliest motion pictures

1876 • Telephone invented

1879 • Electric lightbulb invented


Qing Dynasty

1880 • England & Wales introduce compulsory schooling

1883 • Nova Scotia introduces compulsory schooling 1883

1885 • First gasoline powered automobile


Qing Dynasty

1890 • First steel-framed building

1894-95 • War between Japan & China

1896 • Olympic Games revived in Athens

1898 • Spanish American War

20th Century


Qing Dynasty

1901 • Death of Queen Victoria

1902 • Edward VII crowned

1903 • (Dec) First powered flight by the Wright Brothers

1905 • Albert Einstein's annus mirabilis


Republic of China

1911 • George V crowned

1914 • Opening of the Panama Canal

1914-18 • The Great War: first world war

1917 • (May-Oct) The Marian apparitions in Fatima, Portgual • The Russian Revolution leads to the establishment of the USSR

1918-20 • The "Spanish Flu" pandemic kills over 17 million people

1919 • Paris Peace Conference


Republic of China

1919-23 • Irish Wars: Independence & Civil

1920 • (Jan) League of Nations established (disolved 1946)

1921 • (July) Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party

1921 • discovery of insulin transforms diabetes from being a terminal illness to being a treatable one

1921-22 • Famine in Russian

1926-29 • Movies incorporating an audio track shift films from being "silent" to being "talkies"

1927 • (May) Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic Ocean.

1928 • discovery of penicillin begins the antibiotic revolution in medicine

1929 • (Oct 29) Stock market crash precipitates The Great Depression


Republic of China

1930s • Global Economic Depression

1936 • Edward VIII crowned then abdicates

1937 • George VI crowned

1939 • Hitler invades Poland; the beginning of the Second World War


Republic of China

1939-45 • World War II

1945 • Nagasaki & Hiroshima Japan are destroyed by nuclear bombs which had been developed in secret by the United States: nuclear weapons are revealled to the world

1945 • United Nations established

1947 • (July) The Roswell incident

1949 • The Chinese Communist Party wins the Chinese Civil War and establishes a government


People's Republic of China

1950s • Post World War II politics shifts to the Cold War between the USA and the USSR as both threaten each other with a proliferation of nuclear weapons

1952 • George VI dies; Elizabeth II begins her reign

1953 • Elizabeth II crowned

1956 • The Suez Crisis


People's Republic of China

1961 • Yuri Gagarian orbits Earth: the first person in outer space

1962 • Oct The Cuban Missile Crisis

1963 • Nov The assasination of John F Kennedy, president of the United States

1969 • (20 July) First moon landing by United States astronauts


People's Republic of China

1971 • Introduction of the first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004

1972 • Eleven Israeli atheles are killed by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics

1973 • The Oil Shock

1976 • Death of Mao Zedong (b. 1893)

1977 • (Nov 16) Close Encounters of the Third Kind is released

1978 • (Nov 18) The Rise of Cults: The Jonestown mass sucide signals the rise of cults and communes which had been underway since the 1960s, and "drank the kool-aid" enters parlance to describe someone who has broken with common reality

1979 • The USSR invades Afghanistan

1979 • The Iranian Revolution

Late 1970s • Desktop "personal" computers are developed for hobbyists


People's Republic of China

1980s • Personal computers begin to be sold

1989 • A series of revolutions in Communist countries brings down the Communist Block and the USSR itself dissolves at the end of 1991.


People's Republic of China

1990s • Personal computers become ubiquitous

1990s • Portable "cellular" phones begin to sold

1994 • The Internet store Amazon.com begins operation • (Sept 16) A UFO lands and interacts with children at the Ariel School in Ruwa Zimbabwe

1998 • Google search engine goes live on the World Wide Web

1998 • The Chinese Internet store Alibaba.com begins operation

c. 1995 • The academic computer network "Internet" goes public with the development of World Wide Web software by Tim Berners-Lee; the web explodes and a new economy begins around it

21st Century


People's Republic of China

2000s • Portable "cellular" phones become ubiqutous and later morph into pocket computers when they become touch screen devices late in the decade

2001 • Nine Eleven terrorist attack destroys the World Trade Center skyscrappers in New York City

2001-2014 • UN forces occupy Afghanistan following the Nine Eleven attack; American forces remain until 2021

2002Taken miniseries is released

2003-2011 • Iraq War

2005 • Pope John Paul II dies; Benedict XVI elected

2007 • Apple Computers releases the iPhone, heralding the switch of portable telephones becoming pocket computers

2008 • The plot of Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the archealogical prescence of an interdimensional UFO


People's Republic of China

2010 • The Arab Spring: a series of protests in primarily Islamic countries leads to a change of government and the beginning of the Syrian Civil War
2013 • Pope Benedict XVI resigns; Francis elected
2014 • Rise of Islamic State in Syria & Levant, later known simply as ISIS capture territory in Syria and Iraq and proclaim a short lived caliphate
2015-18 • Various Islamic terrorist attacks in France
2016 • Donald Trump elected President of the United States, defeating Hilary Clinton who was expected to win; suspcison of ties to Russian government shadow Trump's presidency
2017 • (Oct) The NY Times publishes official UFO videos along with an article about incidents of military encounters. "Unidentified flying objects" begin to spoken of as "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP)
2019 • 3 Jan A Chinese probe lands on the far side of the Moon; 15 Apr • Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is severely damaged by a roof fire.


People's Republic of China

2020 • The COVID-19 virus emerges in China, leading to worldwide quaranties as it becomes a global pandemic, killing over a million people by the end of the year. A Chinese lunar probe returns samples of the Moon to Earth for the first time since 1976 • The UAP documentary The Phenomenon is released • In Dec an interview with a former Israeli politician claims there is a Galactic Federation of aliens
2021 • Extraordinary storms cause flooding in various locations around the world: Belgium, Canada, China, Germany & Malta. • Showtime releases the UFO miniseries
2022 • The James Webb Space Telescope becomes operational • Death of Queen Elizabeth II; King Charles III reign begins • Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) language models and Stable Diffusion image generators are released: they astound the public with their capabilities, and are commonly spoken of as "A.I."
2023 • An American whistleblower confirms the decades long rumours that the United States was in poessession of recovered UFOs








22nd Century